Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Practice and Sharpening

I practiced skating for an hour in public time at Mok-Dong Ice Rink. There were four groups of figure skating lesson and a few coaches with several short track skaters. I had not so much space but I could practice turns and spins.

I tried power change of edge pulls as long as I can do. And I remind that a scooter push helps to learn forward stroking. I'll let my daughter practice it later.

After skating, I get my blades sharpen. It costs 7,000 KRW for sharpening imported figure skate blades(maybe harder than entry level blades manufactured in Korea). I think It's cheaper about 30 percent than the cost of other ice rinks' sharpening shop.

BTW, I started learning sport climbing. Although I am tired and have a little pain on my fingers and arms, it's exciting and the sport develops my physical strength.

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